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Oneg Shabbat Sign Up


IMAGINE IF EACH B'NAI ISRAEL FAMILY UNIT PROVIDED ONE ONEG SHABBAT A YEAR? Imagine how such a simple, yet generous and gracious mitzvah can give back to your Temple by each of us taking a turn... See below for how you can provide an Oneg Shabbat this summer.

1. We plan for 25 guests. It is a light nosh, not a meal. Please choose items like cheese and crackers, dips, fruit, hummus, veggies, or other bite sized items for pick up.

2. There will be assorted crackers and some other staples at the Temple in case, but please try to bring all that you intend to offer for that evening. A challah is provided by a temple member each week as well.

3. Temple will set up a table with water and wine, glasses, and napkins, there is no need to provide/purchase drinks; and a round table will be left for your items in the middle of the lobby. The Temple has napkins and toothpicks on hand.

4. Platters and small bowls will be left out in the kitchen each week – feel free to use them or choose other sizes or shapes from the cabinets at Temple.

5. Please have the food ready to be served by 5:40 pm. The food should be ready between 5:30 and 5:40. Our staff can assist with moving it from the kitchen to the lobby if you want to prepare it earlier in the day. Or you can come at that time to set it out yourself.

6. After the Oneg is set out, you are done. The food will be packed up. IF you want the leftovers, please take them, otherwise, they will go in the refrigerator for the next week if able to be used. The dishes and clean up are done by our staff.

7. And last, on the evening of your assigned Oneg, if you want it to be announced that it’s provided by you in honor or memory of something/someone, please let me know so we can include that in the Shabbat bulletin.

Please see below for available Shabbat dates from January - June 2025.

On the weekend of your Oneg, would you like to also sponsor the security @ $180.00?

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation

Payment Information

For added Security please check the box below.
